Friday, August 15, 2008

Cycle to Carburgua

Another rather grey day, still hopefull of good weather for Tuesday but today is certainly not a day to try and climb up a volcano.

After a soggy morning things cleared up and we hired a couple of bikes to off exploring in the country. Heading East out of Pucon we set off for Christo along a quiet forest track which took in some fabulous views of the smaller mountains round Pucon - following the river Carburgua until we reached the village of the same name where there is a lovely waterfall known as the eyes of Carburgua. Three main falls with several tributaries also emptying into a very blue basin. It was then time to head back, given the time we decided to go back via the road, certainly faster than the rather hilly route we used for the outbound journey but there were a few times that the road seemed to be stretching on for ever. Needless to say we handed the bikes back about 50 minutes over our time but it did not seem to matter. Phew!

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